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My Pocket Psych: The Psychology of the Workplace

Nov 23, 2022

In this episode, Richard takes a look at a common (and frustrating) experience - the tasks that just won’t die! They keep appearing on our lists, just like zombies. There are a few potential causes and thankfully, a few ways we can deal with them.

It might be how we prioritise, how we feel about the tasks or the lack...

Nov 9, 2022

This time round, Richard and Pilar discuss Richard's experiment of working a four-day week. We look at why he decided to trial it, how it worked for him and how he benefitted from this working arrangement. 

The big question is: will he keep going with a four day week now the experiment is over?

There are no...

Nov 2, 2022

In this episode, Richard and Pilar explore some of the reasons we don’t achieve our goals. Even when we are clear where we want to get to and go through the goal-setting process carefully, we still might get in our own way when it comes to progress.

We might set goals that are too demanding, or aren’t even...