Mar 13, 2019
Welcome to episode 35, where we continue our focus on productivity - this time looking at the benefits of having a productivity system that works for you.
In recent episodes, we explored the benefits of having a purpose and meaning to your work, of being able to effectively prioritise how you use your resources and of being truly 'present' when working.
The principle of 'Process' underlines the need to be systematic, organised and specific when dealing with your workload. We outline the simple GRADE system and how a process-oriented approach allows you to focus on the work, rather than the vague sense you've forgotten something important!
As always, we welcome your feedback - so get in touch via Twitter or our feedback page to let us know what you think, ask us questions about what we've discussed or suggest new topics you'd like to hear us cover.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Productivity news
Tripmode - an app to manage your data usage when on the go
Productivity porn blog post on WLP:
Wellbeing news
The health benefits of walking in nature:
Walking versus sitting:
Effectiveness news
Goal-sharing and competitiveness:
Blog post on coaching for productivity topics on WLP: